Education is the #1 pillar in the YouCadia™ principles. Educating ourselves through community and cooperation, not dictatorship, is the right step towards lasting peace on the planet. Dialogue between student and teacher, teacher and student, is the building block for the YouCadia™ educational structure.
Self-Reliance - learning to live independent of technocratic systems is the foundation for becoming self-reliant. Farming our own food, building our own homes, producing our own clothes; will help us live lives of purity, health, and vitality. Independence comes from within each person and each person will have the opportunity to be independent, yet benefit by being a part of the collective whole.
Sustainability - living in harmony with nature while adding value to the planet is the first and foremost education that all community members receive. Some people believe that we need technology to be sustainable, though the truth is that our technocratic society has taken us away from the values of sustainability, and youcadia's focus is to gently bring us back to the roots of our nature while living in harmony with the planet.
Co-Creation - co-creating with the planet and with our fellow humans consists of two core factors; human co-creation - as in consciously creating a living and breathing beautiful baby boy or girl through thought, intent, and action, and planet co-creation - as in creating a living paradise on earth in harmony with nature through natural and sustainable healthy living and farming practices.
Artistic Expression - enjoying the arts of life such as dancing, singing, music, martial arts, painting, reading, writing, play-making, and poetry. Living in harmony with nature is not all about work, it's about having fun and enjoying the beautiful arts and creative opportunities available to all of us.