YouCadia™ is a self-sustained living eco-community starting in Santa Fe, NM and expanding across the nation. It is a dream unfolding and will soon be a living reality for all Americans and all of mankind.
Nathan Crane, Chairman of Panacea Hope says, "a living paradise is truly possible when we are willing to see past the artificial facades we have created and become open to our true nature of living in harmony with the planet. Adding more science and technology to our planet, no matter how sustainable they appear to be, are creating more harm than good, and it's time to open our eyes and see that the only alternative for living a fulfilling, healthy, and happy life is right beneath our very feet."
So what does YouCadia™ mean? "Cadia" = a place of simplicity and peace.
"You" = you.
"YouCadia™" = your simple and peaceful paradise on earth.
Panacea Hope is calling all Self-Sustained Organic farmers, Natural and Sustainable Clothes Makers, Natural and Sustainable Shoe Makers, Sustainable Investors, Sustainable Home Builders/Designers, Sustainable Land Developers, Sustainable Water Experts, Eco-Community Experts, and Community Advocates to get involved and help bring YouCadia - Your Living Paradise™ to Life!
YouCadia™ brings to life five core principles for experiencing a true modern day paradise on earth:
Education - Inspiring dialogue between all ages with no barriers of race, age, sex, or status.
Co-operation - Working together in harmony to achieve common goals for the betterment of mankind.
Self-reliance - Experiencing true autonomy through the acceptance of personal responsibility.
Community - Treating our neighbors as we wish to be treated. Support through social collaboration.
Sustainability - Living in harmony with nature the way our creator intended all humans to live.
YouCadia™ is now approved under Panacea Hope as a 501C non-profit and will be funded by green businesses and donors who want to see a better future for humanity.
The time of disconnection, hatred, and war is coming to an end and the time for a truly sustainable, enjoyable, and harmonious future has arrived.
Please get involved and help create a sustainable future for humanity.
Nathan Crane, Chairman of Panacea Hope says, "a living paradise is truly possible when we are willing to see past the artificial facades we have created and become open to our true nature of living in harmony with the planet. Adding more science and technology to our planet, no matter how sustainable they appear to be, are creating more harm than good, and it's time to open our eyes and see that the only alternative for living a fulfilling, healthy, and happy life is right beneath our very feet."
So what does YouCadia™ mean? "Cadia" = a place of simplicity and peace.
"You" = you.
"YouCadia™" = your simple and peaceful paradise on earth.
Panacea Hope is calling all Self-Sustained Organic farmers, Natural and Sustainable Clothes Makers, Natural and Sustainable Shoe Makers, Sustainable Investors, Sustainable Home Builders/Designers, Sustainable Land Developers, Sustainable Water Experts, Eco-Community Experts, and Community Advocates to get involved and help bring YouCadia - Your Living Paradise™ to Life!
YouCadia™ brings to life five core principles for experiencing a true modern day paradise on earth:
Education - Inspiring dialogue between all ages with no barriers of race, age, sex, or status.
Co-operation - Working together in harmony to achieve common goals for the betterment of mankind.
Self-reliance - Experiencing true autonomy through the acceptance of personal responsibility.
Community - Treating our neighbors as we wish to be treated. Support through social collaboration.
Sustainability - Living in harmony with nature the way our creator intended all humans to live.
YouCadia™ is now approved under Panacea Hope as a 501C non-profit and will be funded by green businesses and donors who want to see a better future for humanity.
The time of disconnection, hatred, and war is coming to an end and the time for a truly sustainable, enjoyable, and harmonious future has arrived.
Please get involved and help create a sustainable future for humanity.